Meet Tammar Schaeffer, a proud parent and staff member of CICS Longwood.
My name is Tammar Schaeffer. I am a proud parent and staff member of CICS Longwood.
I began working at CICS Longwood as an administrative assistant several years ago. When I started working there, I felt so excited that I could bring my son (a third grader then) along to work with me so he could go to – so easy for a working mom! But, as he progressed that first year, I saw that CICS Longwood was more than just about convenience – it was the best educational opportunity that I could give my young son.
Teachers and staff members at Longwood are trusted to make choices in the curricula that they teach students. Teachers know their students best – they are with them every day! It is so important that they are given the freedom to choose lessons that will impact our children best. I also love Longwood for their open-door policy. All parents are welcomed to visit and observe classes whenever they want. We are encouraged to ask questions and make suggestions. We really know what’s going on in our child’s education.
On May 17th, I attended the 13th Annual INCS Charter Lobby Day. I love CICS Longwood and I wanted to let our elected officials know how great our school is and to encourage them to fund charter public schools fairly. The day was long – we began our journey just as the sun came up! But, it was so inspiring to spend the day with other parents who are equally as passionate about their charter school as I am. My group didn’t get a chance to speak to any elected officials in a formal meeting, but we left postcards with our charter school stories for elected officials. We did, however, get the opportunity to enter the House floor to get a glimpse at policy in action. As we stepped into the room, we were announced and the elected officials cheered for us as parent advocates. That is a moment that the other parents and I will never forget.